How Would the World Fair Without Fathers?

As I have pointed out previously in my blog post Unselfish Love is a Supernatural Power men and women are different in many ways. This week I will be telling you how they are different in their parenting ways. A father is nurturing and loving but in a more fatherly way. In an article, titled “The Significance of a Father’s Influence”, they state that “fathers love their children ‘more dangerously.’” Meaning they are rougher than a mother in their play. This roughness would encourage a more risk-taking kind of play. With this type of play they encourage competition and independence. They put an emphasis on communication that will expand their children’s vocabulary and intellect. Fathers also teach respect amongst the sexes, by teaching through example with their wives, mothers, and daughters. Mothers on the other hand tend to be more tender and caring. They teach their children to be caring, have sympathy, and to be helping to others. Mothers have more of an emotional teaching role where as the father is to help the children learn about the world. In that article I mentioned before it also gives a stat that points out that “82% of studies on father involvement and child well-being published since 1980 found ‘significant associations between positive involvement and offspring well-being…’” Fathers are important to help children understand the world and to be able to build character strengths that will help them to be outstanding citizens.

My own father has played a huge role in me building my family and my personality. In my family, he set a standard for the guy I found to be my husband. My father showed me how a man is to treat a women. I learned how I wanted a father to treat children and to treat his wife. My father taught me how to council with my future children and how to help them emotionally. I learned what is important to me in a family regarding the monetary aspect of a family. My father taught me how to manage money and be responsible for my own actions. He was an amazing Dad and I am grateful to have him as a father.

From all that my father has taught me, I am grateful to say that I have found the perfect man to be a father to my children. My husband may be a little time deficient, but he is loving, nurturing, amazing, playful, a good teacher, and kind. He emulate all of the good qualities of a selfless father who is a hard worker and willing to do anything to be involved. I feel that I will not have to do much in the way of helping him be involved but as his wife I do have the responsibility to be there for him through thick and thin. I will support him in his fatherly role and give him many opportunities to play with our children. Hopefully he will be able to overcome his time deficiency to be able to make that “quality time” needed to help children feel that he is involved in their lives. But even if he is a little time deficient he is learning and growing in what he is doing as a husband every day that I am not at all worried he will be a great father. He is not lacking in any of the qualities needed to be a father and our future children will absolutely ADORE him, as I do now.

No matter how much the news and the world my say that fathers are not needed in the home, it is a lie. The world needs fathers to set an example and to be the other half of the mother. Mothers don’t believe the bull the world puts out and remember that children are better children and better people when their father is around.

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